NITEP Theoretical Physics Seminar Series

Universal Spectrum of Superconformal Field Theory and Holography




Date: June 11 (Tue), 17:30 (JST)
Speaker: Jaewon Song (KAIST)
Title: Universal Spectrum of Superconformal Field Theory and Holography

Abstract: In the celebrated work of Cardy, he derived universal formula for the density of states at high-temperature in two-dimensional CFT. We study an analog of Cardy’s formula of in four-dimensional superconformal theory (SCFT). We also find that large N limit of the 4d supersymmetric index agrees with the Cardy limit when underlying theory is ‘holographic,’ meaning that it admits a dual AdS5 description. We apply the large N formula for the supersymmetric index to model an information loss problem in quantum gravity. Here we find that non-perturbative saddles that correspond to orbifolded Euclidean black holes play a crucial role to cure the “information loss.”