NITEP Theoretical Physics Seminar Series

M2-M5 giant graviton expansions


Date: November 29 (Fri), 17:30 (JST)
Speaker: Tadashi Okazaki (Yau Center of Southeast University)
Title: M2-M5 giant graviton expansions

Abstract: We investigate exact closed-forms for supersymmetric indices of the theories describing a stack of N M2-branes and their giant graviton expansions. We demonstrate that M2-branes can hold a lesson for M5-branes and vice versa via the reversible giant graviton expansions of the indices. Consequently, we obtain several exact closed-form expressions for the indices of 6d (2,0) theory describing a stack of N M5-branes. The talk will be based on the collaborative work with Hirotaka Hayashi and Tomoki Nosaka [arXiv: 2409.13239].