日時 : 2019年10月15日(火) 16:30~
場所 : F205(理学部F棟 第4講義室)
題目 : Finite N corrections to the superconformal index from D3-brane analysis in AdS5/CFT4
講演者 :荒井 玲於奈 氏 (東工大)
In the context of the AdS/CFT, the Type IIB superstring theory on $AdS_5 \times SE_5$ corresponds to an $\mathcal{N}=1$ quiver gauge theory, where $SE_5$ is a five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein manifold. We study this correspondence by using the superconformal index, which contains the information of the BPS spectrum in the theory. It is known that the index of the large $N$ limit is evaluated by the Kaluza-Klein modes on $SE_5$ and the agreement with CFT results was confirmed in many examples. In this talk, we consider the finite $N$ corrections to the index on the AdS side as a next step. To do this, we focus on a single D3-brane wrapped around a three-cycle on $SE_5$. Because there are in general several three-cycles on $SE_5$, we need to sum up contributions of these single D3-branes. By using the D3-brane analysis, we propose a prescription to calculate the finite $N$ corrections to the index on the AdS side. We explain our prescription through some examples and see the agreement with the CFT results calculated by the localization method.