
CFT duals of three-dimensional de Sitter gravity




日時 : 2022年6月13日(月) 9:00~
講演者 : 西岡 辰磨 氏(大阪大)
題目 : CFT duals of three-dimensional de Sitter gravity 
場所: Zoom

概要 :
We present a class of dS/CFT correspondence between two-dimensional CFTs and three-dimensional de Sitter spaces. We argue that such a CFT includes an SU(2) WZW model in the critical level limit k → -2, which corresponds to the classical gravity limit. We can generalize this dS/CFT by considering the SU(N) WZW model in the critical level limit k →-N, dual to the higher spin gravity on a three-dimensional de Sitter space. We confirm that under this proposed duality the classical partition function in the gravity side can be reproduced from CFT calculations.