22-27 November 2021
10th floor of Media Center, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan & Zoom
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Conformal boundary condition and AdS/BCFT

22 Nov 2021, 09:45
Invited talk


Chong-Sun Chu (National Tsing-Hua U)


Conformal boundary condition was previously considered in the context of AdS/BCFT, wherein the equation of motion of the end-of-the-world was derived and emphasized. In this talk, I will discuss some other further consequences of the conformal boundary condition in AdS/BCFT. We derive the boundary central charges of the holographic Weyl anomaly. We analysis the metric perturbation on the end-of-the-world brane with different boundary conditions. Our results reveal that there are non-trivial gravitational dynamics from extrinsic curvatures on the conformal and Dirichlet branes, which may have interesting applications to the island.

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