22-27 November 2021
10th floor of Media Center, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan & Zoom
Asia/Tokyo timezone

On compatibility between Conformal symmetry and Continuous higher-form symmetries

22 Nov 2021, 17:00
Short talk online (Zoom) Short talks


Yunqin Zheng (Kavli IPMU, ISSP, U.Tokyo)


We will discuss the compatibility between the conformal symmetry together with the unitarity and the continuous higher-form symmetries. We show that the d-dimensional unitary conformal field theories are not consistent with continuous p-form symmetries for certain (d,p), assuming that the corresponding conserved current is a conformal primary operator. We further discuss several dynamical applications of this constraint. In particular, we show that some gapless, scale invariant quantum field theories are not CFTs.

Presentation Materials