22-27 November 2021
10th floor of Media Center, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan & Zoom
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Holographic $\beta$ function in de Sitter space

26 Nov 2021, 16:45
Short talk online (Zoom) Short talks


Yoshihisa Kitazawa (KEK)


We investigate infrared logarithms in inflationary Universe from holographic perspective. We derive gravitational Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations to investigate the time evolution of the de Sitter entropy $S=\pi/G_N H^2(t)$. $H(t)$ is the time dependent effective Hubble parameter and $G_N$ is the Newton's constant. Our approach focuses on the conformal modes to respect local Lorentz symmetry. In term of the curvature perturbations , it is shown to be consistent with $\delta N$ formalism. Under the Gaussian approximation, we obtain the dynamical $\beta$ function of $g=1/S$. The dimensionless gravitational coupling $g$ is asymptotically free toward the future. It also possesses the ultraviolet fixed point indicating that the Universe begun with the de Sitter expansion at the Planck scale with $\epsilon=0$. We further interpret inflationary Universes as the UV complete composite states. Since our analysis is trustable for small $g$, our conclusion is that inflationary universe is consistent in the semiclassical regime.

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